Tips For Visiting:
We ask families to do the following when visiting the Family Resource Centre to help to keep everyone safe and happy:
- Sign in when you arrive; families visiting the Centre for the first time must register
- Treat all people and things with respect and care
- Parents/caregivers must supervise their children
- To keep the Centre clean, please:
- Use the snack table provided; children must sit when eating
- Clean up after yourself
- Use diaper changing tables - in the washroom, or inside the centre
- Take off all outdoor shoes and boots; you can bring indoor shoes or socks to wear in the Centre
- Please do not use cell phones during scheduled programs
- Bring a water bottle
- We have limited space for strollers. If you need to bring a stroller, small strollers are best.
- Take photos of children in your care only
- For health and safety, please:
- Do not come if your child has a runny nose, fever, diarrhea, vomiting or other communicable diseases, until they are fully recovered
- Do not bring personal toys
- Do not let your child walk through Centre with their bottle
- If toys have been in a child’s mouth or are dirty, put them in the “toys to be cleaned” box
- Do not bring peanuts or nut products to the Centre
Everyone Has A Role at the Saskatoon Early Years Family Resource Centre
(adapted from the Regina Early Years Family Centres)
Child’s Role:
Play - be respectful of all people and things
Talk and act respectfully to: parents, other children and adults
Be gentle and careful with play items
Clean up items after use
Have fun!
Parent/Caregiver’s Role:
Play and have fun with your child!
Let your child take the lead. The Family Resource Centre is designed to be child-centered. There are no wrong ways to play – let your child take the lead.
Talk to your child about what they are doing - to build speech and vocabulary
Help your child clean up and prepare the play space for the next family
Centre Employee’s Role:
Provide age-appropriate developmental experiences
Answer questions about child development, support programs and age-appropriate behaviours
Observe play/change the play space to meet the needs of visiting children and families