
Baby & Me Yoga: from an Indigenous Perspective


Dawn Deguire will lead families through a gentle and relaxing yoga session which will incorporate indigenous spirituality. This yoga practice is designed to promote self-acceptance and connect you with your inner and outer universe. This event is for caregivers and their children, 0-5 years of age. 

*Event is limited to 5 families

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Pumpkins & Hungry Ghosts: Come & Go Halloween Activity Time

Pumpkins & Hungry Ghosts: Come & Go Halloween Activity Time

Join us for some COVID-19 friendly, Halloween fun! Stations will be set up with: pumpkin painting, a hungry ghost craft and Bob's Hungry Ghost book and treat giveaway table.

Only three families will be in the Centre at a time and each family will move through the stations individually. Each station will be in a separate area at the Centre. Materials and the environment will be sanitized between families.

Sign up for a 20 minute slot to take part in our activity stations! Drop-in families are also welcome, however if all spots are pre-filled, there may be a wait time. All families will be asked to complete our COVID screening when they arrive. Costumes are welcome!

*Transportation may be available, contact the Centre if needed.

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Book Nook

Book Nook

We’ll be set up in the parking lot at the side of the building the centre’s in (309 Fairmont Drive) with free books and hot chocolate to give away!

If you are a parent/caregiver with little ones under the age of five, pop by for a warm drink and a fun book.

Book Nook takes place EVERY Thursday while weather permits.

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Book Nook

Book Nook

We’ll be set up in the parking lot at the back of the building the centre’s in (309 Fairmont Drive) with free books and hot chocolate to give away!

If you are a parent/caregiver with little ones under the age of five, pop by for a warm drink and a fun book.

Book Nook takes place EVERY Thursday while weather permits.

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Positive Playtime

Positive Playtime

PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROGRAM IS CURRENTLY ON HOLD TO PROTECT PUBLIC HEALTH FROM COVID-19.  Led by our program partner, CFS Saskatoon. Through movement, art & learning, families will move through a series of engaging experiences to increase attachment and empathy between parent and child. Each session has a particular focus area of the week. This program will be held on Tuesdays (10:00-11:00am) from March 3 - June 30, 2020. Click here for the Facebook event link.

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Connecting with Songs

Connecting with Songs

Rhymes, songs and stories are used to help parents have fun and nurture their children. This program will be held on Thursdays (10:00-11:00am) from March 12 - April 30 (no session on March 19). Click here for the Facebook event link.

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